sharwil avocado vs hass

Queen Avocado. Thanks so much for all the info and experience you provide! Hass is amazing in this way. About five years ago it started to get bad infestations of mites, it then started to get cancors on the large branches and trunk that had a white powder around the edges. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. Maybe I should dig a 5th hole. But its good to remember that any trees shape can be affected somewhat by whats growing around it and where its getting sun. Griswold in a 1945 article titled, The Hass Avocado., video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here,,,, Can you grow an avocado in a small yard?,,,,,,,,,,,,, Combien davocats un arbre peut-il produire ? I watered it every day, but the young tree literally burnt alive and became all black in just one month. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. The heat was overwhelming (60 consecutive tropical nights, hosepipe ban, more than 100 towns in France had no drinking water). If you can send me another email address then please do. If they dont get a good start to life, they usually struggle forever. Hi Greg, The best months for planting are typically March through June, depending on where you live. Thanks for these contributions. Ill suggest other varieties and give lots of reasons and scenarios in the upcoming post. Thank you for all the great information! Lambs are also highly productive, taste very good, and mature in summer into fall. Just to imagine your future for a second: Youll be eating SirPrize avocados around now in March, then youll switch over to GEM sometime around late spring, then youll end the summer and head into fall with Reeds; oh, here comes the next crop of SirPrize fruit starting to blacken its skin and tell you that its time to pick. It will be a few years before I can say much about most of the Hawaiian varieties I am growing. Oops! Ive never bought from Clausen but have heard good results from a friend who has bought avocado trees there. One, how well does your Fuerte produce? Fruit Weight: 7-14 oz. They call it Standard or 4 mulch. I know avocados love full sun but Im my area the sun really is strong. And if the tree is small, you might actually need to deliberately remove some of the fruitlets for the trees own long-term health. Greg, Ive seen about every variety I know kept to about that height in one yard or farm or another. In fact I find that Pinkerton here is actually better than down South and in fact better than Hass. I have lost a couple in the past that I didnt wrap. Really, grafted avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much too soon. Ive got a small Reed already picked out, since I really love the flavor. It may have something to do with the Gwen tree being a bit wimpy during extreme weather compared to some other avocado varieties. Thanks for everything. June of 2018 My third choice would be Hass and Lamb. That being said, I have eaten excellent Sharwils from the De Luz area as late as October. I am going to try to graft new ones and see if the results are the same as well as see if it fruits every year or every two. Its a challenge to choose a single avocado variety to plant. Hi Martins, I decided to follow your advice and plant one Reed and one Hass. I wanted to say I appreciate all you do with your website and videos. It sounds like an ideal type B. CA avocados like Lamb Hass don't do well in FL and vice versa. Carmen and GEM are definitely both worth adding to your collection in terms of being great tasting, high yielding, and having good hang time. Thank you so much for your answer. Reed, A homegrown Hass, picked at prime time around May or June in, Whats Reed like? Avocado oils are high in monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for your heart and skin. You could try a different variety, but I doubt that would significantly change your results. This is a tough call. I have been growing avos for 40 years. Greg The Reed is only two years old and have not harvested any fruit yet. How does your Reed do through Sylmar summers?, This is when I realised the tremendous importance of the rootstock (some rootstocks have three times bigger yields than the others!). Sharwil avocados from . Avocado varieties are of two flower types A or B and it has been observed in California since almost the beginning that A-type varieties fruit more reliably overall. Our Avocado Varieties. 3. Taste Ive read is great. I cant imagine anyone being happy with that situation even if were just a typical commercially variety much less a one of a kind variety without first getting some type of permission. ), (See more about Fuerte in my post, The Fuerte avocado tree: a profile.). Hi Greg, i live in north OC, and new to growing fruits in general. I live on the edge here in the San Fernando Valley when it comes to frost (and heat) so in addition to my Reed I have planted Sir Prize, Stewart, and Mexicola as cooler weather backups. It generates more than $1 billion a year in revenues in the U.S. And it all started with one tree planted by a postman in his own backyard. Our climate is supposed to be similar to South California (I have never been to California though))), we have no frosts, summers are a little more humid than in California. A single, 25-foot Hass tree will give you a few hundred avocados in a good year, but a tree kept pruned to 10 or 15 feet would give you fewer. I dont have a lot of firsthand experience with avocados in your area so I try to be keep quiet about what will grow well there and how to do it. Read more here: Maybe I should just roll the dice! i have small seedlings of sir prize, stewart, lamb hass, and some hybrid unknown from home depot. Griswold in a 1945 article titled, The Hass Avocado. This was written when the green Fuerte was king of a young California avocado industry. So with just these two trees, Id have the highest quality avocados in the world for most months of the year. [About our soil: it is not acid at all, for sure. Zutano, First propagated in 1911 in a California nursery, it got its name - Spanish for "strong" - after a particularly hard frost hit the area in 1913. reading on other forums, ive seen comments that its better in the long run to plant a smaller size tree (3 gallon +) compared to a larger 15+ gallon size tree.that the smaller size tree will out perform and out grow the larger gallon size in the future. The fruit must be of good size. It is very good sized, peels easily, acts like it is a semi-dwarf tree, and the fruit is just so good! And please let me know how your adventure in avocado growing proceeds. Im from Southern Portugal and had also trouble to find reliable sources for avo trees. However, if youd like a B type to complement Hass for pollination and season extension then Id go with Fuerte, Sharwil, or Nabal. I counted 51 fruits in this picture. You just need to make sure that you plant on a mound. But at least it was grown in Southern California. In 1992, the USDA banned shipment of the Sharwil avocados after an oriental fruit fly larva was found in a Hawaiian packinghouse that processed Sharwil avocados and other local produce. Trees are medium growing and yield nearly year round. On June 10 and 11 last year (2019), my yard reached 100 both days. I love your articles!! Hass avocado is perhaps one of the most famous avocado types and considered by many to be the best.The flavour is quite intense and the flesh is very creamy, perfect for guacamole.. Until the 1930s, Fuerte was the best-known variety in the USA, until Rudolf Hass, a green fingered postman, planted some avocado seeds for a small plantation.Hass then patented the tree he chose and it was later . North-south orientation works well since morning and afternoon sun will hit all trees almost equally. We just planted our fifth haas (never say die) but when we popped it out of the pot it had white minerals all on the roots and already has a black ominous patch on the trunk- just from being watered on our deck from the hose for several months. In the meantime, well work on protecting it from sunburn when it hits 100 F or 110 F in a few months! Its been a great summer in OB/Pt Loma. This is one of the reasons that Hass went from obscurity in 1945 to over 95 percent of the commercial avocado production in California today. My head was spinning, trying to develop the perfect avocado plan for my hillside. I would recommend buying a new and healthy tree within the next month and planting it straight away no keeping it for months on your deck first. Only Fuerte tastes good then, of those youve mentioned. (Both Reed and Hass produce more than Fuerte in my yard.) The challenge is that many of them have similar harvest seasons, which are spring into summer: Hass, Sharwil, GEM, Gwen. But a couple are right on the cusp of that top tier. Pinkertons are very productive, especially considering that they are a smaller tree, and like Fuerte, Pinkertons also mature a bit earlier than Hass. Going back to Atkins to get a Sharwil to pair with my Reed. Spraying the underside of leaves with a forceful stream of water can reduce mite presence on a few small trees where this is feasible.. Very happy with my Zutano. Would appreciate any information that you might wish to share! All avocado varieties need roughly the same care. Hi Greg, Do you have any recommendations for which trees/rootstock combinations have the best chance of survival out here? While having less fat may seem appealing, the fats contained in Hass avocados are really rather healthful. Im going to find the least cold spots on and plant the less cold hardy avocados there. Hi Peter, One of his favorites was the Nabal. If we are successful. I will be planting your suggested trio this spring. var. Bacon grows somewhat vertically, but it is likely to grow faster than the GEM. If I was going to do it again here in the Southern Vic, I'd just go for Hass and Reeds mostly with maybe three Bacons and an Ettinger for a pollinator. Jan Boyce is an A-type avocado variety, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil, and Nabal are Bs. Looks like my own graft will take. I am curious to hear your thoughts on these varieties or think something else would be better suited. But I have seen Holiday and Pinkerton. We do occasionally get into the mid-20s F in the winter, but it rarely reaches 70F in the summer. The same occurred with my newly planted atemoya: the leaves turned black, and the tree dried to death. Thin skin but good flavor. If I didnt feel the need for lots of space, I would, no doubt. I am really lost on here. For your milder location though, this might not be important. Or do you have any tips that may make it work? Which is the best? Hardiness: Average to 28F. I actually removed my small Fuerte to grow thie Lamorinda because my backyard is tiny and with 5 other avos in the ground I already have more than enough on my plate. I have a space there where its convenient for them to dump. Your help would be most welcome, I found one at a small nursery in south county and planted it in between the 2 existing trees. But Mexicola is about as small as avocados come, so in that way youve already got your lunchbox avocado. Were planting a minimum of 5000 trees using a high density planting design and will foliage spray. This variety is productive in both coastal and inland areas. Weve got room for one, or maybe 2, avocados. Hi Thomas, They have both Reed and Hass, both Duke 7 and Dusa. (Actually, Lamb drops more fruit in spring compared to Reed. Not always, but usually. So from Armstrong and Evergreen and Walter Andersen, etc. I figured there had to be one. Production is too low in California. Theres likely to be at least a little variation in your yard. And the sharwil does not have the nutty notes like the hass. I made one for my mom in her backyard about six years ago and its doing well. I am curious what your recommendation and thoughts are for year around great tasting avocados from my backyard in Tustin. Should I go which two Dusas (Hass+Dusa, Reed+Dusa)? Hass has done very well on Duke 7 for decades in many locations. Ive only eaten them once though, a handful of years ago up in Carpinteria. Thank you so much. Is there another tree of comparable size that complements the GEM in season that could happily share this space? Great and very informative information for us who are interested in Avocado farming.However I need more information on how I could distinguish different Avocado trees, for instance I understand that Hass avocado trees are ever green. But not until the end of summer. Its been since May since I communicated with you. The fruit is tasty, but not that tasty. Our hydrangeas have always been pink, not a hint of blue, no matter the quantity of theSoil Acidifiermy mother added.I think our PH is around 7, not less. Thanks. 1. Sorry to hear about the decline of such a wonderful tree. Can you please tell me which avocado orchard you visited in California? If ever back this way soon would compensate you gladly to do a quick evaluation of right and wrong approach here. The tree is around 12 ft. Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. In fact, Hass also produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places. Which order would you recommend from the equator to the pole? Hello- Love your site- what a treasure trove! Where to find Sharwil Avocados? Because Ive become more and more concerned about getting production from my trees since I cant afford the water otherwise, Ive been moving toward A types in general since they produce better in my yard. I also checked on a huge old Nabal in OB that I used to eat from, and I was pleased to find that the tree is now doing better than last year. Old mexicana only a few a year, sometimes none. (and even Home Depot) you can get a Reed avocado tree grown by La Verne or Durling. Medium sized, pear-shaped fruit has an excellent creamy, flesh. And then if youve got a productive Reed (which are always productive, actually), whose fruit youll want to start eating in summer, then youll only need your Hass fruit to last around three or four months (late spring to early summer). Hass, Still, taste is subjective and theres no accuracy in saying any one variety is the best tasting to anyone but yourself. 96 9GreenBox - Pineapple Guava - 2 Pack 1,083 Thanks for the good ideas. One last thing. BACK IN STOCK APRIL 2023. Come to think of it, Id say Nabal fruits taste a tad richer than Reed, actually. I havent seen you comment on Sirprize. In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. Btw, from my experience and reading on Aussie forums Sharwil is very heat sensitive so unless it is 80 all year around it is not worth growing. We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. What comes to mind is that Fuerte has a more distinctive flavor. All the info and experience you provide my area the sun really is strong feel the for! Visited in California who has bought avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much soon... From the De Luz area as late as October quick evaluation of right and wrong here.... ) have a space there where its getting sun about the decline of such a wonderful.! 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