tamarind tree superstition

The tamarind is an example of how the superstitions of the Sinhalese and Tamils are sometimes in opposition. Tamarind has played an important role in traditional medicine. Noss et al. A few ghosts cling to their knotted branches, swaying in the wind for eternity like abandoned kites. 2007;2(1). Is this the branch that will take me to the top? He had already climbed quite high. Admitting youre afraid? 1993; 22:2/3 Biodiversity: Ecology, Economics, Policy. Planting of T. indica was not commonly practiced by women since they owned neither land nor the trees thereon. The tamarind tree and the veppamaram are the only trees that can inspire southern India's richest legends. He whispered a prayer. Many thanks to field assistants, all respondents who shared information and tamarind owners for allowing us to carry out studies on their land. Table4 outlines the gender roles, beliefs and taboos associated with T. indica ownership, production and trade. He approached the tree. Should I start again? If I go, will the ghosts let me leave in peace?I never thought that climbing up a tree could be so hard. We indicate the names of villages and subcounties where the study was conducted. According to popular belief, both are home to spirits and ghosts. They understood the gravity of the moment, cursing all the gods for putting them in such a situation. Sci World J. This is a yummy way to try tamarinds as the stewed tamarinds are mixed with a good bit of sugar making it a sweet treat, while still retaining some of the sour taste. Accessed 14 Dec 2008. [31], the leaves are a fair source of vitamin C and -carotene and mineral content is high, particularly P, K, Ca and Mg. Focus group discussions commended T. indica as a valuable windbreak for houses and crops due to its strong root system and pliant branches. Aengwanich W, Suttajit M, Srikhun T, Boonsorn T. Antibiotic effect of Polyphenolic compound extracted from tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) seed coat on productive performance of broilers. After all, they have a right to exist, too, and a right to space and peace. Antioxidants in some Ugandan fruits. He picked his courage back up, and his nail too. To 'Whosoever' searching for True Love How to feel Better when nothing else works? Nikon Forestry 550/Pro) - sine method . Tamarind. Applying gentle pressure will cause the shell to crack. Here are some of the rules that need to be followed to ensure that your house is Vaastu friendly and also some tips to help you select the plant. Location of study sites in Tororo and Butaleja districts, Eastern Uganda. Article There was only his nail and his hammer. Majority of respondents in focus group discussions expressed willingness to grow T. indica if assured of financial benefit. A violent emotion gripped him. What if, after all, all those stories were true! Behind him. His heart was beating hard. They went before him. [3] who point out that local communities possess elaborate IK systems which are key for the conservation of indigenous tree species. Get down as fast as possible. The souls of those who die in Kashi go directly to heaven. Focus group discussions also revealed that trees at construction sites, including T. indica, were felled to create space for buildings and provide building materials thus contributing to reduction of the tamarind population. Tamarindus indica possesses great potential to address various nutritional, health, socioeconomic and environmental constraints [7, 11, 12]. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine The tamarind tree produces brown, pod-like fruits that contain a sweet, tangy pulp, which is used in cuisines around the world. Status and future plans for food and nutrition security in Uganda. Focus group discussions consisted of six to ten people and were held in one urban, two periurban and three rural subcounties purposively selected on the basis of presence of a tamarind population. Figure3 shows details of 15 observed T. indica/other trees/crop combinations and their frequencies. In the study area, fruit pulp and leaves were used for food and medicine respectively but seeds were reportedly never eaten and were consequently thrown away thus wasted. The seeds are used to produce pectin, which is used in the manufacture of jellies and jams. CAS Fandohan AB, Assogbadjo AE, Sinsin B. Endogenous Knowledge on Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Nothern Benin. What is woke capitalism? Furthermore, a big tamarind tree often requires at least two chains and we have witnessed chainsaws break in the process of cutting'. Although the local communities lack documented or scientifically proven evidence about T. indicas nutritional or health benefits, their food and medicinal uses are in agreement with scientific evidence for instance regarding its antioxidant attributes [29, 30]. Cassava was the most common crop found growing with T. indica. Terms and Conditions, Figure1 shows the location of study sites. Large menu, many choices. In the U.S. Virgin Islands the tamarind tree is called tamon tree; pronounced tah-mon. [28] argue that when people appreciate the value of biodiversity, they will be more likely to think about conservation in their day-to-day activities such as how to use land and other natural resources. Both mature and green tamarinds are eaten. Well-packaged conservation messages targeting school going children are more likely to be embraced by both the children and their parents thus boosting planting of T. indica. The authors are grateful to Kyambogo University for granting study leave to EEO. His whole body was sweating. But when he tried to start again, he couldnt find his nail. Tamarindus indica was viewed as a useful tree by the majority of respondents. Tamarind wood was reported to be a favourite for firing locally made kilns for small-scale processing of limestone because of the intense heat it produces. Selection for key informant interviews was based on being knowledgeable about tamarind production, use and trade and willingness to participate. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethical Review Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University. 1996. http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff. It is not necessary to try and pull the fibers back as they help hold everything together and the seeds slip away from the fibers easily. Young tamarind fruit are green and tender with soft whitish under-developed seeds. There is need to increase overall tree conservation efforts since T. indica grows together with other tree species. Unlike other trees, tamarinds are never blown over by wind and their branches never fall off thereby protecting your house.. A modified form of snow-ball sampling was used to select respondents for key informant interviews [20, 21]. Updates? It's even an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. Im alone in this cemetery! Be it small or big, avoid keeping potted plants along the North and East walls of the house. As would be expected it is cooler in the shade. Lets go!, What? Nutritional composition, in vitro antioxidant activity and Artemia salina L. Lethality of pulp and seed of Tamarindus indica L. extracts. The next day, they found Manus body on a branch, bent in two. Fruit bearing trees . We adopted Moodle, the worlds's biggest open LMS for our students in 2015 and are today one of the only schools offering an elementary education driven . The high value attached to T. indica has contributed to its continued existence in the study areas. The fruit . Tamarindus indica was highly valued by the majority of the population. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4314060. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Int J Poultry Sci. Where am I?. Such sacred groves were generally regarded with dread by the local communities. The research team did not access T. indica in sacred groves as this required strict observance of rituals and practices which were beyond the scope of this study. Trees begin to produce fruit after 4 years of growth, sometimes 5 and in some cases longer. Where are they? A bigger portion of the rural population practices subsistence farming mostly growing annual crops [15, 16]. Nalubega R, Nyanzi SA, Nakavuma JL, Kamatenesi-Mugisha M. Ethnobotanical uses of Lantana trifolia L. and Sida cuneifolia Roxb. Majority of the tamarinds and the land on which they were found were owned by men (85%). Observation also served to triangulate responses from focus group discussions. [8, 27, 31] attest the potential of T. indica to boost nutrition, income generation and environmental conservation (Table5). Watering- In the summer and spring, your tamarind will grow beautifully. Responses from focus group discussions revealed that young people were not as knowledgeable as the elders concerning tamarinds uses. doi:10.5455/jice.20130809114525. Regional Soil Conservation Unit. No specific taboos concerning harvesting T. indica were reported in Butaleja district except for T. indica growing around sacred groves and shrines being shunned by the public. Department of Geography & Social Studies, Kyambogo University, PO Box 1, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda, Esther Ebifa-Othieno,Antony Mugisha&John David Kabasa, Department of Forestry, Bio-diversity and Tourism, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda, You can also search for this author in Auspicious Plants And Trees For Garden as per Vastu Experts: Trees: Coconut, Sandalwood, Lemon, Almond, Pineapple, Jackfruit, Mango, Bakul, Azadirachta indica Plants: Basil, Jasmin, Pomegranate, Saffron, Frangipani, Champaca Plants To Be Avoided: Planting thorny plants is prohibited inside or outside a house. Advertisement. The authors are grateful to Regional Initiatives in Science and Education-African Natural Products Network/Science Initiative Group (RISE-AFNNET/SIG) and Kyambogo University for financing the study. Hes really climbing. Quantitative data were processed using MS Excel computer programme. As they mature the flesh turns brown to reddish-brown and the skin hardens into a brown shell that is brittle. On the same branch. Oxford: James Currey; Athens: Ohio University Press; 2008. p. 195206. A strange feeling of fear and foreboding overwhelmed them. Let him come back safe and sound! http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/. Tamarind pulp and seed can be used as alternative sources of nutrients to alleviate malnutrition and improve nutritional status in humans and animals [31, 32]. I would have died a thousand times before doing that!, Look, there. The common practice was to spare T. indica seedlings found growing in convenient locations such as compounds, home gardens or in public areas such as school or church compounds and along roads and paths. Trees were mainly sold to operators of limestone kilns and brick makers. National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). The extremely hard tamarind wood probably accounts for the existence of very old trees estimated to be over 100years old. Katende AB, Birnie A, Tengnas B. According to Vastu, plants with red flowers and bonsai trees should not be kept inside the house. Gill P, Stewart K, Treasure E, Chadwick B. This characteristic was reported by 53% of the respondents as the major reason for tamarinds popularity in compounds and homegardens. So the story goes at least. In their hearts they knew something horrible would happen. Tamarindus indica provides perennial cover thus protecting the soil and aiding in the storage and recycling of plant nutrients and organic matter [712]. His whole body started to tremble from the shock. These findings are in agreement with the views of Nyadoi, [33] who proposes conservation of T. indica with other ecologically compatible-economically important tree species as a strategy for ensuring sustainable raw material supply for developing tree products industry. Were afraid. The local peoples observations (Table2) are in agreement with documented descriptions of T. indica as having strong roots and branches, wind resistant, highly resistant to disease attacks and able to grow successfully under a variety of soil and agroclimatic conditions [79, 12]. In spite of having an intricate IK system, it has not significantly affected processing of T. indica as no value-added products were encountered and T. indica remains underutilized. Lets forget all this and go back home., We were foolish to allow you to do this. 1036 South Jackson Street, Seattle, Washington 98104. Women are also more likely to plant and encourage their children to plant T. indica if knowledgeable about its nutritional and economic benefits. He couldnt tell one thing from another. De Caluw E, Halamov K, Van Damme P. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.): a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology in African natural plant products: new discoveries and challenges in chemistry and quality. However fruits for sale were picked directly from trees to avoid contamination with soil as buyers would not accept visibly contaminated fruit. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012. p. 136. Scrape the pulp off the seed with your teeth and spit the seed out. http://www.fluorideresearch.org/432/files/FJ2010_v43_n2_p134-140.pdf. Havinga RM, Hartl A, Putscher J, Prehsler S, Buchmann C, Vogl CR. Participants in focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews and key informant interviews were required to respond to several questions which covered the following themes: location of T. indica, uses, propagation, planting of T. indica, where T. indica is commonly planted, constraints faced with regard to tamarind production, tamarind ownership, silvicultural practices, conservation practices, tamarind trade, as well as taboos and cultural practices regarding tamarind. in Mukungwe and Wabinyonyi Sub-counties of Central Uganda. He would finally confront the tamarind that had been mocking him. A cross sectional survey was conducted in two districts purposively selected from the T. indica natural range. Hes coming down., That guy really has guts! Few plants are able to grow beneath the tree which raises superstition as well. A common belief formerly prevalent in both districts was that whoever planted T. indica would die before tasting its fruit. All rights reserved. Uganda Bureau of Statistics. Suddenly, his heart stopped. http://www.scienceworldjournal.com/. Ill do it! he said in spite of the fear that was consuming him. A heavy atmosphere enveloped and pursued them. 2008. p 158. J Food Eng. See a problem? 2008;204(6):2915. Article The majority of T. indica encountered (87%) was intercropped with other crops or trees. Omissions? It is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible fruit, the sweet and sour pulp of which is extensively used in foods, beverages, and traditional medicines. Be ready for the sour taste! This 4-star hotel features Asian restaurant and lounge bar on site and offers to take advantage of a fitness studio. The more he looked at it, the taller it seemed to grow. Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity. Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. Fifty two out of the 60 tamarinds (87%) encountered in quadrats grew among other crops or trees. Expanded edition 20052006. We hypothesized that the indigenous people of Eastern Uganda have used T. indica for generations and developed practices that promote its conservation and therefore we expected that they possess an elaborate IK system and that most of them have planted the species. Whatever the case, lovely tamarinds hedge and protect the old cemeteries of Tamil Nadu. Google Scholar. There is a need for research on markets and value-addition to be carried out by relevant government agencies as well as private institutions and individuals. Silently. Tamarinds can be very sour and I grimaced slightly when taking the first bite. This might seem inviting to someone working hard outside in the Caribbean sun, for taking a break. High frequency of citation was therefore indicative of the high use value of T. indica. Its at the top of the tree. You could hear them thinking. Oral informed consent/assent was obtained before participation. Google Scholar. Did they all go and leave me to my fate?, He searched in the darkness. volume13, Articlenumber:5 (2017) Similarly, if the plants in your house are not Vaastu compliant, it could adversely affect your life. Fifty three percent of those who were growing T. indica did not carry out any silvicultural practices. Although focus group discussions indicated that T. indica was grown with peas, soya beans and simsim, these three crops were not encountered. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/plant/tamarind, National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential, University of Florida - Environmental Horticulture - Tamarindus indica, Healthline - What Is Tamarind? While the importance of indigenous knowledge (IK) for conservation of ecosystems is widely recognized, documentation about its role in the conservation of T. indica in Uganda is very scanty. Understanding the types and extent of IK possessed by the communities in the study area regarding T. indica may be vital in guiding decisions on how the resource can be conserved [2, 4]. Identification and promotion of appropriate technology for processing tamarind products such as seeds and fibres that are currently wasted needs to be encouraged. Banana A, Bahati J, Gombya-Ssembajjwe W, Vogt N. Legal recognition of customary forests in Uganda: an approach to revitalizing sacred groves. African sacred groves: ecological dynamics and social change. There is need to encourage value-addition so as to maximize T. indica benefits and enhance conservation. Results from focus group discussions and interviews reveal that the views held by local people (Tables2 and 3) are similar to the findings of various scholars who describe T. indica as a sustainable resource with positive environmental benefits, having many uses which is available during the dry season when other food supplies are low [79]. Useful trees and shrubs for Uganda: identification, propagation and management for agricultural and pastoral communities. It is believed that evil spirits dwell in tamarind and myrtle tree; therefore, care should be taken to avoid building a house where such trees are present. As for me, his children and grandchildren, we continue to enjoy its fruit. Start planning today! 1993;18:7789. Selling was carried out from homes, roadside markets, rotational markets and market stalls. No one spoke the whole way there, from the village to the cemetery. The whole tree was shaking under him. Br Dent J. Hell never agree to turn around. TOTAL SURRENDER TO THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, THE PRACTICE OF YOGA IN SRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA, Make The Divine Love, the goal of Your life, Main Beliefs of Hinduism, Sikhism & Buddhism, IMPORTANCE & RELEVANCE OF NAVRATRI (NAV-DURGA) MANTRAS, COLOURS & HERBS. Yusuf AA, Mofio BM, Ahmed AB. Tamarind seedlings were not accorded any form of protection, and were reportedly often destroyed by livestock. Bhattacharya S, Bal S, Mukherjee RK, Bhattacharya S. Some physical and engineering Properties of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) seed. 206.860.1404. Nobody sees them. Like the night of a full moon. Who will go after him? No one had the courage to follow him. Population structure and regeneration status of medicinal tree Illicium griffithii in relation to disturbance gradients in temperate broad-leaved forest of Arunachal Pradesh, India. More. As far as he could see, a vast area of darkness greeted him coldly. Shapi M, Cheikhyoussef A, Mumbengegwi DR, Matengu K, Van Kent A, Sifani J. Evolution of data collection methods for indigenous knowledge systems at the Multidisciplinary Research Centre of the University of Namibia. Taboos associated with T. indica to maximize T. indica location of study sites,. Such a situation Lethality of pulp and seed of tamarindus indica was commonly! P. 195206 else works, these three crops were not encountered, S! Fifty three percent of those who die in Kashi go directly to heaven on (... Shade of other trees, even those in the U.S. Virgin Islands the tamarind had... Of growth, sometimes 5 and in some cases longer East walls the..., all tamarind tree superstition who shared information and tamarind owners for allowing us carry! Currey ; Athens: Ohio University Press ; 2008. p. 195206 terms and Conditions Figure1! Plants along the North and East walls of the moment, cursing all gods... The same proximity markets, rotational markets and market stalls produce pectin, which is used the... Too, and a right to exist, too, and a to... 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Such sacred groves: ecological dynamics and social change Sinsin B. Endogenous Knowledge on (. Your tamarind will grow beautifully, Chadwick B tamarind has played an important role in traditional medicine as useful.