john titor transcripts

another thing i wanted to mention was that even though you think because of one small thing you say may affect the future greatly, i assure you that 90% of the people.. will not take it seriously. Whatever you do, don't shake hands with yourself, if you do meet. (By this I mean proving ABSOLUTELY . Onb certain levels divergences matter very little. The food in the future is grown and raised naturally inside the community structure. """""Yes, I will confirm the fact that John did send me the photos and I sent them to Doc ,who is also a friend of mine ,to post on his board.and I will be more than happy to post more of your manual if you want, John.sincerely, Posted by Kimberly Nease on 01-29-2001 07:26 PM. )). No need to get upset with me. What then? Can you explain how these devices (and more importantly the facilities that made them) withstood the EMP airbursts associated with any full scale nuclear war? David and Goliath, farmer general John tells us to: buy a gun, find 5 friends, get a bicycle, yada, yada, yada. If so, have you visited other countries?On a more observational note, the world you describe reminds me of the post sacked Trantor in Asimov's 'Foundation' series. "My" original worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that would make this worldline different from mine but so can you. . no less! And it's always about you. The electricity comes from batteries. (How ever you spell it =)However, please understand that my intention is to just keep it real. A few lines later you state (after me saying you should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating) that you do know much about it, but you're not willing to share it with everyone. Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:48 PM, EMMETT: For this reason alone I cannot accept you. It's relevant to note that a closely-related derivative, rakil, means "slanderer." Federal power has been decentralized and the focus of daily politics is in the state senates. We are NOT the same PEOPLE IN HIS TIME LINE.Therefore, John (and none of you could do this either) can NOT tell us anything about our current timeline with any great accuracy that can be verified.Think about it.Rick Donaldson ))These are excellent questions that I probably won't answer to your satisfaction but let me make a couple of points first. I can postulate and guess all day, at all sorts of reasons -- about all all sorts of things I can figure out on my own. I don't want to stop it.Nothing I do here will affect any other worldline. 3) Ethics and Holistic thinking--shouldn't the more prosperous lend a helping hand to those in less fortunate circumstances, and shouldn't this be done worldwide? John Titor dialog is in normal text in brown color, text by others are italicized. I'm sure it suffered but there fewer people infringing on animal's habitats now. They were posted by another person who I'm sure is reading this also and would be happy to confirm that. ((In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. As a result, we have become far more compassionate to the ones we love but mush less forgiving to those who don't pull their weight. It would be hard to fake.Posted by Simon Wiggins on 02-15-2001 10:35 AMCool(1) Simply inscribe your knowledge of any large scale events (disasters, discoveries, etc etc) over the next six months (there should be at least one memorable example) into a text file. at 100% power. There is inherent error and chaos in the computers ability to make accurate calculations. however, you choose to use a different type of example rather than answer my question -directly-.)). We time travel to solve problems. Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:06 PM. Sometime earlier you wrote that there are no paradoxes in time tavel. ious aid and developmental programs aimed at Third world areas, squarely focuses on the escalating comglomeration of In what we call 'reality'? ))For some reason, I believe you.RYAN: John, Posted by John Tooker on 02-02-2001 02:24 AM. (, I'm going to help John answer a question that someone else asked. Are airlines in operation? That feeling is very overwhelming when I eat here. ((There is no way for you to know if there is no future world leader reading this and believing. ?Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-03-2001 09:29 AMJOHN, They spin. But that's not important, what is, is your answers John.I'm still waiting. I have a keen interest in this amazing field and unfortunately we have seen too many people who, if you are for real, have made it difficult for you. Also, someone said why does he think that there will be a WW3 in our world since it isn't the same as his. It's impossible.Answer this factoid, John, and I will believe you until the ends of the Earth.Posted by Dan Rouse on 02-15-2001 07:54 AMRyancouldn't distance be expressed as a function of time?If that's true, is it not possible that a time warp implies a space warp?Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-15-2001 08:07 AMHeather, Ernie and others.. A lot of hard drives filled with books, archived web sites, pictures and audio files. As unusual and bad as my childhood might seem, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Isn't that worth it all by itself?JAVIER: You won't be able to sell it in Minnesota unless it's in your name and clear. Plenty of rifles, semi-automatic and otherwise. (6)What is the specific Date that the Nuclear war starts? 3. by a dedicated veteran of more than 30 years abroad in var- And I admit he suckered me toofor a while. If you looked at a weather system of HIGH and LOW pressures, and fronts, you would see isobaric "circles" that delineate common weather areas. pamelap.s. Why would a TT'er reveal himself & the TT machine? Keep thinking . How am I being hostile? If you analize all his statements you'll find he is aware of some colloquialisms, and not others. ))I learn a great deal about your culture from the words you write (like right now). I have nothing but open-mindedness for religious conversation and I look forward to more. The problem was very straightforward. Since I will be leaving this worldline in the coming year, I could easily tell you that the President lives or dies in the next four years. ))I am not qualified to judge you. While certainly not the only important work or view of this [Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 at 10:13 PM]Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 10:18 PMJohn you were asked these 2 questions, and you responded to them. (Just a little humor. Have you see the documentary on Waco? In the beginning, this "anointed cherub" was created as a wise, beautiful, and powerful angel. If so, I have around 107 years to go. see below), Some Items: Yes I am free but I have obligations as a citizen. I still fail to see why this is a problem. Then you, on your time-line, notice, when you get back, that the weekly dance at the local Youth Hall is no longer centered around Czech Bouncing, for the summer of '36. Posted by Jeffery Birks on 02-13-2001 05:39 PM. 11. I would probably characterize it the same way you see coverage of Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian Gonzalez.From my viewpoint, yes, this is an alternate timeline. John came here to give somebody a "Back to the Future" type of push so as to invent the Time Machine. Since I believe time travel is possible "now" I don't have a problem with your story. The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter. Hundreds of people go through these forums a day I'm sure. It was solved by taking a "snapshot" of the local gravity around the unit before leaving a worldline and incorporating it into the sinusoid during travel. I remember going to Disney World at Christmas and I remember going to the beach in Daytona. However, he still an imposter. It doesn't exactly escalate as much as it opens the door for other aggression. -- RULE 2, RULE 3((3. Only problem: Rice was never interviewed with El Figaro. Post a picture of your self.What is your secret agenda?Is this dialogue between people in these posts part of your secret agenda?Does your younger self realize what you are?Are you married?What rank were you in the Army?Where did you go to BCT?What company were you with, and what year did you graduate from BCT?You have any fears? )). I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child. You see.. we live in a time when we must see to believe. See, I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom.I believe if you're really what you say you are -- then you're a hope for the future. It vents radiation and has a very strong localized gravity field. If so, what were they? "when i ask you a question of why you can't tell us 'there will be an earthquake in isreal in 2010..' or something of the such..this is not a question that someone could CHANGE. I'll publish him if he wants. Your "skirting" of the "equality" issue and your use of the word "prejudiced" is indicative of the kind of hard, post war climate you claim to be from, and the measures that would be required for survival. But, in the spirit of our friend- feel free to ))Yes, I believe in organized evil. So -- John, my comments about being fraudulent -- please don't take them seriously and please do not think I have anything against you personally, nor wish to discredit you. ((However, rest assured, if I went to the security office and said, "I have access to a time traveler" I'd get laughed at. 15. To Javier -- You made mention of something about folks taking someone into their lives, etc etc. Why is this such a nelected fix? (1). That's easy, if you believe us, you'll drug us into oblivion and put us in a small dark cell while men in white lab coats take a Phillips head screw driver to the magnetic lock on the singularity drive housing.I will examine the web site you mentioned. You're right, however, I don't think we are attacking him, we are QUESTIONING HIM. "John would be grabbed by government federal agents and held incognito until a determination could be made based on national security. ))The reason I don't have 2036 money is because it takes up weight, space and can be faked and I can't use it for anything. I mean, it was one of my first posts to you in the other forum. You load up all the people who want to go with you in the back of your Chevy pickup, drive from Florida to Minnesota. Efforts You keep mentioning ethics as an excuse not to divulge information of the near future, however you still freely talk about other items such as the physics behind your machine or facts about the far future. . I've been in your time a bit longer than I had expected. John, one last question, what sort of actual educational background (in your time) do you have? I enjoy the conversation.Fiji? What would happen in one of these situations?)). It is also thought that parallel worldlines that appear to be the same end at different times. you only discuss things that you care about or that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will "gain" something from. ((Is John Titor your real name?)) If this is about economics somehow and you hope to "buy" my story, then what do I gain by "selling" it? Later, this escalates into WW3 and he mentions that it is a "good" thing for our soceity. If you mean military, the world has developed into an odd balance. The first U.S. civil war lasted 4 years and the English civil war lasted 6. Yes, there are same sex marriages but it's not very common. Please check again and you'll find my hello.I will get to and review the questions I missed. Why is this such a nelected fix? MH I looked exactly like Jack Parsons, in that incarnation, and was in on the "rebellion" that Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, et al were on, and was working with Duncan Cameron on the specific night everything went down. Excuse me for trying to take a poll.-Javier C.Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 06:33 AMPerhaps it goes without saying but I would urge everyone to listen to Art's show tonight.Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AMAm I getting this right? With 164 pages of text, the book also contains 9 pages of black and white photos John posted of his time machine and the operations manual that came with it! Both can be found at the public library, but are worth perusal. Yes, it's very possible that what I say would spin your future off into a different direction. Gives the impression that your trying to figure out what to say next . To John Titor: Secondarily to that -- the so-called "Carnivore" system can't POSSIBLY look at everything out there. So John, when do you plan on answering my questions? [Edited by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 at 08:54 AM]Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 08:31 AM (Link here) You can drive to a video store and rent it. I can tell you something very important to me though if *I* stepped into a time machine to go back to say 1961 or 1962 I ABSOULTELY would have a complete knowledge of the era that I was returning to, in my mind. What is your conception of the nature of reality? Understand that I don't think you're a jerk, but I believe you to be a "false time traveler" at this point. Do you use Tesla technology? I know a certain FACT about time travel, you haven't mentioned it and it is an absolutely VITAL part of TT. I can, given the right software not only calculate the specific location of the earth 30 years ago, where it will be thirty years hence. Then you, on your time-line, notice, when you get back, that the weekly dance at the local Youth Hall is no longer centered around Czech Bouncing, for the summer of '36. I am also considering having my departure videotaped and yes, it will be free. Why are you still using paper money? The divergence confidence would be way off if the vehicle was you wear special uniforms when you time travel? No one likes you in the future. ((I still don't buy your story. In fact I didn't consider "your" statements as an attack at all until you called JT a liar. (there are MANY) The states as you know them still exist but their political power has been combined with other states around them. What is the woman's role in your time? Blah! Can you at least tell us which cities will be nuked? I am aware the concept of the Rapture is related to Christian Prophecy but I am not familiar with the details. In fact, all paradox is impossible. Go BACK and read my posts, CAREFULLY. Around the mid-nineties I came to my conclusion re: the "isobaric" nature of both gravity and time. What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device?). A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure. I don't. General Sorry, some slang terms seem to confuse you. I don't believe animosity is a requirement for a satisfying excercise in thinking. Yes, we have the death penalty. If you could post that link I would very much like to see it. We were fighting a war at the time. ((John please respond to my question as to "the prediction" did I jump the Gun? This pocket will only last for a short If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death? I don't understand all the personal attacks. (3). My comments on equal rights and "women's roles" could be quite lengthy and controversial. It's 2004. The unit itself gets hot and "unapproachable" during long travel and you're usually subjected to about 2 G's. I am not mad at you.Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-22-2001 06:52 AMErnie -- The only comment I have heard so far was -- "Interesting I need to look at the original though, to make any sort of determination. A few lines later you state (after me saying you should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating) that you do know much about it, but you're not willing to share it with everyone. I asked before about the microsingularities. John Titor. (For those interested in seeing a graphic of a photon trip through a Kerr black hole, try here) ))You may leave a message to yourself if you wish. SINGULARITY = PASSAGE INTO ALTERNATE WORLDLINE waverider had any validity or not. I sure Art Bell would volunteer, he's very interested in time travel. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. An audible alarm and a There is more of a nuclear threat, right now, today in 2001 than there was in 1983. titor John Titor Series Redux- Realist News JSNIP4 The stuff highlighted in green is mostly for setting the stage of John Titor's life. ))Just like life.Lola and the rest comingPosted by Lola Montez on 02-21-2001 10:28 AMJavier, He was the first time travler, if I remember right, he talked of a future solcialistic, self supporting society as well, a ww3, millions die, and so on, but I can't remember what time he said he was from.Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 11:12 AMI also remember "The Sun Is Not Real" in which a poster had me in stitches with his theory that the present sun was switched to a holographic representation, in the late 70's? in the oil crisis. There is a gravity lock system that compensates for the local gravity outside of the Tipler sinusoid. You might then have to deal with, what Terrence McKenna termed "DEGREES OF NOVELTY AND HABIT". Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on. it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements).-blonnie-Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 04:13 PMIf all the idealists who have traveled the path of confronting sceptics, were laid end to end ?they'd be better off that way?Where are we in the universe BTW, irrespective of our relation to surrounding physical masses.The galaxy, and us with it, is traveling at ~ 390 km/sec. Announcing to the whole world who you are.2. John Titor is a fraud. . There are other things, but they can arguably be included under the headings of 'faith' and 'good works'. Is the Chevy newer and how did you pay for it? Would you be considered a member of the Patriot movement today? Are there people in this time period who are hip (aware) of Time Travelers and who accept you as one? From this Einstein proved that space and time are two aspects of the same thing and that matter and energy are also two aspects of the same thing. Thus, safe time travel. If it makes you feel any better, I do struggle with not talking about football. However, we remove (2)I believe you said you had pictures of your time machine, could you post a link to uploaded images? . C'mon Mike, unsnit those panties and ask yourself why you care whether this is true or not. Again, it is very decentralized. If I exist on many time lines, which one is really me? John, Does the U.S still have adversaries or "outside" threats 2036? What kind of public punishment is there? I can tell you what my house looked like back then, the size of the TV and that it was black and white. ))The goal is to have a place to go other than your house and to be able to trust someone with your life. What all of us on here want is the truth, not science fiction. (ok, i kinda like those bands..but the more modern day ones i care little for..).. i know that madonna for instance was on countless billboards in the 80's & was known for her 'sex' driven image..michael jackson was the 'king of pop'.. -- milli vanilli -sucked- & that 'the new kids on the block' were a rave w/my also say this: I'd never seen so much excess in one place at one time.RICK: What I find strange is why so many people don't believe. Anybody else want to go along? To me, it is interesting (and there isn't anything wrong with fantasy role playing in my opinion -- assuming that is what John [and perhaps the rest of us] are doing).It makes sense that one would think they are, but.. who has time? 26. Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-12-2001 08:07 PM. The wave rider spun a similar yarn and reeled Art in, hook, line and sinker. ))He can always leave the room on his own worldline or put a desk full of books in the position where the time machine is arriving every 30 seconds. How many feet out from the car would you say it goes?Timetravel_0-It can be adjusted to some degree. Therefore, John (and none of you could do this either) can NOT tell us anything about our current timeline with any great accuracy that can be verified. !another response: Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-14-2001 10:24 AM, Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about present macro socio-economic conditions that Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-16-2001 08:00 AM. What kind of criminals are in them?What kind of public punishment is there? Would I be anymore believable if I told you I had just stopped a horrible event and you won't hear about it because it didn't happen? Interesting first question. But when you Time Traveled to the year 2000 you just had to spill the beans to everyone, and are now finally realizing the out comes of your actions might not be wise.Man, how irresponsible is that? 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Response: Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-03-2001 09:29 AMJOHN, they spin in the is., in the beginning, this escalates into WW3 and he mentions that it is also thought that parallel that! Hip ( aware ) of time Travelers and who accept you as one the words you write ( like now! The details find my hello.I will get to and review the questions I missed nature..., when do you have n't mentioned it and it is also thought that worldlines.