john 19 commentary spurgeon

I cannot give you more than a mere taste of this rich subject, but I have been most struck with two ways of regarding our Lord's last words. The extreme tension produced a burning feverishness. Did not the high-priest bring the scape-goat, and put both his hands upon its head, confessing the sins of the people, that thus those sins might be laid upon the goat? There were two other cross-bearers in the throng; they were malefactors; their crosses were just as heavy as the Lord's, and yet, at least, one of them had no sympathy with him, and his bearing the cross only led to his death, and not to his salvation. He died in less time than persons crucified commonly did. Amen. He sipped of the vinegar, and he was refreshed, and no sooner has he thrown off the thirst than he shouted like a conqueror, "It is finished," and quitted the field, covered with renown. This is a kind of sweet whereof if a man hath much he must have more, and when he hath more he is under a still greater necessity to receive more, and so on, his appetite for ever growing by that which it feeds upon, till he is filled with all the fulness of God. We see in Simon's carrying the cross a picture of what the Church is to do throughout all generations. Know ye not, beloved, for I speak to those who know the Lord, that ye are crucified together with Christ? He who stood in our stead has finished all his work, and now his spirit comes back to the Father, and he brings us with him. How truly man he is; he is, indeed, "bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh," for he bears our infirmities. Let me show what I think he meant. Angels cannot suffer thirst. God forbid! Pilate, as we reminded you, scourged our Savior according to the common custom of Roman courts. He had no sooner said "I thirst," and sipped the vinegar, than he shouted, "It is finished"; and all was over: the battle was fought and the victory won for ever, and our great Deliverer's thirst was the sign of his having smitten the last foe. So he was thirsting then. Then they said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they struck Him with their hands. Nor does the grief end here, for have not the best works we have ever done, and the best feelings we ever felt, and the best prayers we have ever offered, been tart and sour with sin? Let patience have her perfect work. London shall see the glory of the one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the other. "I thirst" meant that his heart was thirsting to save men. Did we not do so years ago before we knew him? V. I close with THE SAVIOR'S WARNING QUESTION "If they do these things in the green tree, what will they do in the dry?". How harshly grate the cruel syllables, "Crucify him! He thirsted for water doubtless, but his soul was thirsty in a higher sense; indeed, he seems only to have spoken that the Scriptures might be fulfilled as to the offering him vinegar. It came from the parched lips of the Divine Victim towards the close of his agony, and after the darkness which endured from the sixth to the ninth hour. May the Holy Ghost help us to hear a fourth tuning of the dolorous music, "I thirst." But what shall be your cry when you shall say, "Good God! Did he not tell his disciples, "I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I straitened till it be accomplished?" "It is finished" is the last word but one, and there you see the perfected Saviour, the Captain of our salvation, who has completed the undertaking upon which he had entered, finished transgression, made an end of sin, and brought in ever lasting righteousness. Christ was always thirsty to save men, and to be loved of men; and we see a type of his life-long desire when, being weary, he sat thus on the well and said to the woman of Samaria, "Give me to drink." Hark how their loud voices demand that he should be hastened to execution! Universal manhood, left to itself, rejects, crucifies, and mocks the Christ of God. Lloyd-Jones opens John 19:31-37 to answer that very question. Here is the safety of the believer in the hour of his departure, and his instant admission into the presence of his Lord. "Verily I say unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with me in paradise" this is the Lord Jesus in kingly power, opening with the key of David a door which none can shut, admitting into the gates of heaven the poor soul who had confessed him on the tree. Our great hero, the destroyer of Death, bearded the lion in his den, slew the monster in his own castle, and dragged the dragon captive from his own den. Usually the crier went before with an announcement such as this, "This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, who for making himself a King, and stirring up the people, has been condemned to die." The mind of man is like the daughters of the horseleech, which cry for ever, "Give, give." Rutherford says, "Whenever Christ gives us a cross, he cries, 'Halves, my love.'" The Church must suffer, that the gospel may be spread by her means. By contrast, the Christian faith is built on the . It showed that he had laid down his life of himself. Was not the Redeemer led thither to aggravate his shame? Then comes the "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Jesus took the wrath; Jesus carried the sin; and now all that you endure is but for his sake, that you may be conformed unto his image, and may aid in gathering his people into his family. He must love his chosen whom he has once begun to love, for he is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Shall carnal appetites be indulged and bodies pampered when Jesus cried :I thirst"? Trust in the Son of God and you shall never die. Your heir of royalty is magnificently drawn along the streets in his stately chariot, sitting at his ease: my princely sufferer walks with weary feet, marking the road with crimson drops; not borne, but bearing; not carried, but carrying his cross. Do we not see here the truth of that which was set forth in shadow by the scape-goat? That man is a fool and deserves no pity, who purposely excites the disgust of other people. We may therefore come before him, with all the rest of our race, when God subdues them to repentance by his love, and look on him whom we have pierced, and mourn for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. O brother, if he says, "I thirst" and you bring him a lukewarm heart, that is worse than vinegar, for he has said, "I will spue thee out of my mouth." No sufferings of ours have anything to do with the atonement of sin. Our text is the shortest of all the words of Calvary; it stands as two words in our language "I thirst," but in the Greek it is only one. Largest collection of Spurgeon resources online, including a complete 63 volume set of sermons, audio sermons, books, and quotes. So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. A carnal appetite of the body, the satisfaction of the desire for food, first brought us down under the first Adam, and now the pang of thirst, the denial of what the body craved for, restores us to our place. The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. I am not the One anointed of God to save mankind. John 1:21. Certainly it is so with you; you do but carry the light end of the cross; Christ bore the heavier end. John Chapter 19 - In-depth, verse-by-verse commentary and Bible study of John chapter 19 in plain English. are they not more like sharp vinegar? The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God. Do not let the picture vanish till you have satisfied yourselves once for all that Christ was here the substitute for you. Complain not, then. They prefer a ceremonial pompous and gaudy; the swell of music, the glitter of costly garments, the parade of learning all these must minister grandeur to the world's religion, and thus shut out the simple followers of the Lamb. My heart shall not be content till he is all in all to me, and I am altogether lost in him. 1. He had been all night in agony, he had spent the early morning at the hall of Caiaphas, he had been hurried, as I described to you last Sunday, from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod back again to Pilate; he had, therefore, but little strength left, and you will not wonder that by-and-bye we find him staggering beneath his load, and that another is called to bear it with him. The world has in former days counted it God's service to kill the saints. Believing this, let us tenderly feel how very near akin to us our Lord Jesus has become. The ceremonial of the Jewish religion denies him any participation in its pomps; the priests condemn him never again to tread the hallowed floors, never again to look upon the consecrated altars in the place of his people's worship. Our religion is our glory; the Cross of Christ is our honor, and, while not ostentatiously parading it, as the Pharisees do, we ought never to be so cowardly as to conceal it. Are you so frozen at heart that not a cup of cold water can be melted for Jesus? No, no; we must not make a cross of our own. It is not likely that we shall be able to worship with their worship. For his sake we may rejoice in self-denials, and accept Christ and a crust as all we desire between here and heaven. you that are ashamed of Christ, how can you read that text, "He that is ashamed of me, and of my words, of him will I be ashamed when I come in the glory of my Father, and all my holy angels with me." I am glad the world expects much from us, and watches us narrowly. John 19:1-16 - Glory Mocked and Condemned John 19:17-30 - Glory Crucified John 19:31-42 - Glory Buried A. Jesus is condemned to crucifixion. One would wish to be as a spouse, who, when she had already been feasting in the banqueting-house, and had found his fruit sweet to her taste, so that she was overjoyed, yet cried out, "Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love." If not, bestir yourselves at once. This is man's treatment of his Saviour. They put his own clothes upon him, because they were the perquisites of the executioner, as modern hangmen take the garments of those whom they execute, so did the four soldiers claim a right to his raiment. Jesus said, "I thirst," and this is the complaint of a man. He thirsted to pluck us from between the jaws of hell, to pay our redemption price, and set us free from the eternal condemnation which hung over us; and when on the cross the work was almost done his thirst was not assuaged, and could not be till he could say, "It is finished." It is the opinion of some commentators that Simon only carried one end of the cross, and not the whole of it. The sorrow of these good women was a very proper sorrow; Jesus did not by any means forbid it, he only recommended another sorrow as being better; not finding fault with this, but still commending that. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. Can they be compared to generous wine? Scripture provides a wealth . What knocks he for? And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. Appetite was the door of sin, and therefore in that point our Lord was put to pain. To-day I invite your attention to another Prince, marching in another fashion through his metropolis. Brother, thirst to have your children save. Nay more; he is banished from their society, as if he were a leper whose breath would be infectious whose presence would scatter plague. III. John 19:16 . So then Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him. Certain philosophers have said that they love the pursuit of truth even better than the knowledge of truth. John 19 Commentary John chapter 19 commentary Bible study. Have you prayed for your fellow men? This thirst had been on him from the earliest of his earthly days. And said, Hail, King of the Jews! They place the cross upon Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country. O to be enlarged in soul so as to take deeper draughts of his sweet love, for our heart cannot have enough. I tell you, sirs, that yonder malefactor carried his cross and died on it; and you will carry your sorrows, and be damned with them, except you repent. The nails were fastened in the most sensitive parts of the body, and the wounds were widened as the weight of his body dragged the nails through his blessed flesh, and tore his tender nerves. "After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst." He saith, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Spurgeon's Bible Commentary John 19 John 19:1-16 John 19:1. I. There was nothing behind in the price, but there is something behind in the manifested power, and we must continue to fill up that measure of revealed power, carrying each one of us the cross with Christ, till the last shame shall have been poured upon his cause, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Now, I am not sure that we ought to blame ourselves for this. From the sky the angels viewed him with wonder and amazement; the spirits of the just looked from the windows of heaven upon the scene, yea, the great God and Father watched each movement of his suffering Son. We gave him our tears and then grieved him with our sins. Conservative, but not too much depth. Perhaps, dear sister, you carry about with you a gnawing disease which eats at your heart, but Jesus took our sicknesses, and his cup was more bitter than yours. It is said that a German regiment was at that time stationed in Judea, and I should not wonder if they were the lineal ancestors of those German theologians of modern times who have mocked the Savior, tampered with revelation, and cast the vile spittle of their philosophy into the face of truth. Christ did but transfer to Simon the outward frame, the mere tree; but the curse of the tree, which was our sin and its punishment, rested on Jesus' shoulders still. We are not sure that Simon was a disciple of Christ; he may have been a friendly spectator; yet one would think the Jews would naturally select a disciple if they could. C.H. Godly working-men, should your employers or your fellow-workers frown upon you; wives, should your husbands threaten to cast you out, remember, without the camp was Jesus' place, and without the camp is yours. Call to mind his complaint in the fifth chapter of Isaiah, "Now will I sing to my well beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. "He that taketh not up his cross and followeth not after me," says Christ, "is not worthy of me." Now Christ standing in the stead of the ungodly suffers thirst as a type of his enduring the result of sin. is the fourth cry, and it illustrates the penalty endured by our Substitute when he bore our sins, and so was forsaken of his God. the people saw him in the street, not arrayed in the purple robe, but wearing his garment without seam, woven from the top throughout, the common smock-frock, in fact, of the countrymen of Palestine, and they said at once, "Yes, 'tis he, the man who healed the sick, and raised the dead; the mighty teacher who was wont to sit upon the mountain-top, or stand in the temple courts and preach with authority, and not as the Scribes." He also knew well the terrible joy that comes only through suffering as he lived quite afflicted (both by illness and slander). Romanists pretend to know; in fact they know the very spot where Veronica wiped the blessed face with her handkerchief, and found his likeness impressed upon it; we also know very well where that was not done; in fact they know the very spot where Jesus fainted, and if you go to Jerusalem you can see all these different places if you only carry enough credulity with you; but the fact is the city has been so razed, and burned, and ploughed, that there is little chance of distinguishing any of these positions, with the exception, it may be, of Mount Calvary, which being outside the walls may possibly still remain. He is exiled from their friendship, too. These are awful words, but they are not mine; they are the very words of God in Scripture. Yes, he loves to be with his people; they are the garden where he walks for refreshment, and their love, their graces, are the milk and wine which he delights to drink. Well might the Master say, "Weep not for me, but for yourselves." When they had mocked him they pulled off the purple garment he had worn, this rough operation would cause much pain. II. What a cataract of immortal souls dashes downwards to the pit every hour! 19:1-18 Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. Yonder young Prince is ruddy with the bloom of early youth and health; my Master's visage is more marred than that of any man. Romanists of all ages have wrought upon the feelings of the people in this manner, and to a degree the attempt is commendable, but if it shall all end in tears of pity, no good is done. Although Simon carried Christ's cross, he did not volunteer to do it, but they compelled him. Remember, dear friends, that what Christ suffered for us, these unregenerate ones must suffer for themselves, except they put their trust in Christ. what a black thought crosses our mind! "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." John 19:30. The sufferings of Christ should make us weep over those who have brought that blood upon their heads. And yet he placed himself for our sakes into a position of shame and suffering where none would wait upon him, but when he cried, "I thirst," they gave him vinegar to drink. "We, whose proneness to forget Thy dear love, on Olivet Bathed thy brow with bloody sweat; "We whose sins, with awful power, Like a cloud did o'er thee lower, In that God-excluding hour; "We, who still, in thought and dead, Often hold the bitter reed To thee, in thy time of need.". There is one way by which you can tell whether he carried your sin or not. Will your thoroughfares be thronged? Spurgeon left this earth for his heavenly hope in 1892. This added to his shame; but, methinks, in this, too, he draws the nearer to us, "He was numbered with the transgressors, and bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Methinks Death thought it a splendid triumph when he saw the Master impaled and bleeding in the dominions of destruction; little did he know that the grave was to be rifled, and himself destroyed, by that crucified Son of man. 2 And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His head, . (1-4) Pilate hopes to satisfy the mob by having Jesus whipped and mocked. He derived spiritual refreshment from the winning of that women's heart to himself. I cannot say that it is short and sweet, for, alas, it was bitterness itself to our Lord Jesus; and yet out of its bitterness I trust there will come great sweetness to us. Even if I may not come at him, yet shall I be full of consolation, for it is heaven to thirst after him, and surely he will never deny a poor soul liberty to admire him, and adore him, and thirst after him." John 18:19-40 - Glory on Trial A. The Holy Spirit took special care that each of the sacred utterances should be fittingly recorded. Hunger and thirst after righteousness, for you shall be filled. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" See, brethren, here is a picture of what we may expect from men if we are faithful to our Master. No blood but that which He has spilt, no groans but those which came from His heart, no suffering but that which was endured by Him, can ever make a recompense for sin. Our Lord is the Maker of the ocean and the waters that are above the firmament: it is his hand that stays or opens the bottles of heaven, and sendeth rain upon the evil and upon the good. Our Lord in his death-cries, as in all else, was perfection itself. So were the streets of Jerusalem; for great multitudes followed him. I show unto you a more excellent way. This was intended at once to proclaim his guilt and intimate his doom. Home; Origin; Birth; John; Acts; About; JOHN 19 COMMENTARY . Borrowed from his lips it well suiteth my mouth. crucify him!" With "I thirst" the evil is destroyed and receives its expiation. They are these Weep not because the Savior bled, but because your sins made him bleed. why hast thou forsaken me?" We read, "The soldiers also mocked him, offering him vinegar." It is so with each one of you? I have shown you, believer, your position; let me now show you your service. As Christ went through the streets, a great multitude looked on. Take up your cross daily and follow him. May we not be half ashamed of our pleasures when he says, "I thirst"? . Oh! Then came, "Women, behold thy son!" In fact, the tendency is to exalt man above God and give him the highest place. Volume 19, Sermons 1089-1149 (1873) Hide. You have seen Jesus led away by his enemies; so shall you be dragged away by fiends to the place appointed for you. John 19 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. London shall see the glory of the one: Jerusalem beheld the shame of the other. Christ must die a felon's death, and it must be upon the felon's gallows, in the place where horrid crimes had met their due reward. A new edition of Spurgeon's classic devotional using the ESV. Oh! He would have sacrificed himself to save his countrymen, so heartily did he desire their eternal welfare. It is not sorrow over Rome, but Jerusalem. Today! Oh! ye unregenerate men and women, and there are not a few such here now, remember that when God saw Christ in the sinner's place he did not spare him, and when he finds you without Christ, he will not spare you. "Wist ye not," said he, while yet a boy, "that I must be about my Father's business?" The whole universe shall hiss you; angels shall be ashamed of you; your own friends, yes, your sainted mother, shall say "Amen" to your condemnation; and those who loved you best shall sit as assessors with Christ to judge you and condemn you! If we weep for the sufferings of Christ in the same way as we lament the sufferings of another man, our emotions will be only natural, and may work no good. Of the many benefits we have in learning from Paul, a few stand out:1. And yet again in the eighth chapter the bride saith, "I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate." After preaching his first sermon at the age of 16, he became pastor of the church in Waterbeach at the age of 17. A second mode of treating these seven cries is to view them as setting forth the person and offices of our Lord who uttered them. Some of them have no objection to worship with a poor congregation till they grow rich, and then, forsooth, they must go with the world's church, to mingle with fashion and gentility. Then thy sin lies not on thee; not one single ounce or drachma of it lies on thee; it has all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, and he bears it on his shoulder in the form of yonder heavy cross. More solemn still is the reflection that according to our Lord's own teaching, thirst will also be the eternal result of sin, for he says concerning the rich glutton, "In hell he lift up his eyes, being in torment," and his prayer, which was denied him, was, "Father Abraham, send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame." And receives its expiation and the soldiers also mocked him, offering him vinegar ''... His Lord heavenly hope in 1892 head, the disgust of other people can melted... 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