baby fell down stairs mumsnet

Pediatric Injuries Attributable to Falls From Windows in the United States in 19902008 Pediatrics. We are so lucky. All rights reserved. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. He found an incidence (based on California EPIC data) of 0.48 per million per year. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. All four girls went to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned.\r \r Welcome to the Tannerites. Happened here around 11 months. He was fine after 30 seconds of crying, but I felt (and feel) AWFUL. I took him to the local hospital who were so nice, I was a state. 2011. The most common causes of newborn baby falls are: A caregiver falling asleep while feeding or rocking their baby, and the baby drops out of their arms Mayr Both studies noted that single injuries to the head or extremities predominate. I've never bothered with gates, I just close the doors that block off the stairs have never trusted them as my cousin got a leg stuck through one at the top of the stairs when he was only 2 bless him xx. Dont beat yourself up. Studies in younger children were performed in the evaluation of falls sustained while in a walker. It's a long way down (8 steps) and in his walker it'd sure do some serious harm. Falls. I'm so glad your baby is okay. I talked to the pediatricians office and they said she sounds like she is fine but told me what to look out for. No mom in the world can keep an eye on a busy toddler every second of the day when they have a house to keep up, meals to cook, laundry to do, etc., etc., much less keep track of what an older child is opening and closing behind them as they both move at the speed of light. Taking these simple actions can help keep your child safe: Find out more about safety and childproofing your home. 20062023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Babies fall are nothing compared to adult fall. Head injury first aid. We haven't got the gates up yet and I feel so awful for not protecting him from this accident, it was a split second of me turning my attention to something else. It's not your fault. If your child has a mild bump on their head, and you have ruled out serious injury, you can treat it at home. Hi ladies Im writing this just to vent about what happened this past week, the LACK of care and compassion I got at the ER I just feel so defeated and sad.Last Thursday I fell down my stairs abs broke my foot. i dont have a car omg is it that dangerous. You're a great mother n *** happens sometimes. The guy rear ended us and TOOK OFF! They postulate that stairway injuries are less severe than free falls of the same total distance and consist of a mild-moderately severe impact followed by a series of low-energy falls. I'm slowly getting to grips with the sickly abreviations on here but that one is a mystery. Helfer (1977), Nimityungskul (1987) and Lyons (1993) each performed similar studies of children falling from beds / cribs, etc., while in the hospital. The mean age of patients was about 9 months. I felt sick and wanted to die because I thought something bad was going to happen. I tried to break my fall with my hand but landed on my tailbone and back and fell down about 6-7 stairs and even peed Im scheduled to get induced tomorrow night but I havent left my bed today because I caught the stomach flu from my girls. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. My almost 8 month old started crawling last week and Ive been trying to be so careful about shutting the door to our basement but today I messed up and she ended up falling down a flight of stairs. I would err on the side of caution and go to A&E - not just because of the bumps to the head but to ensure that no fractures have occurred in soft bones. Roshkow had slightly different findings: that the pattern of injury, including the presence of a head injury, did not relate to the height of the fall and that significant head injury was not uncommon after falls from heights >10 feet. I beat myself up for so long but it didn't do anything to help. I was just getting out of the shower and I heard a bunch of banging noises I thought it was a dresser or something falling I ran out of the bathroom in my towel freaking out because my sister was watching my one year old daughter while I was showering it turns out it was my daughter falling . Ladies and Gentlemen, let me just tell you, I fell down the stairs with the baby and it was THE SINGLE MOST FRIGHTENING THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN MY LIFE! U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He screamed for a constant 10 mins ans i cant see no signs of a bump and hes now playing happily. That's heartbreaking, I'm so glad to hear baby is fine! 2021. I'm so grateful that he's fine but its not fine that it happened in the first place. Call a member of your family, a close friend or even a taxi to drive you down. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Don't let the guilt ruin your special moments with your baby. She was fine and shes 5 years old now. Williams (1991) reports on 106 children who fell from a height of less than 10 feet and were witnessed by a non-caretaker. Older walkers may tip over more easily and harm your baby. Serious head injuries are rare, but your child may need to be evaluated or monitored. Read the article summaries about free /vertical falls. Hello ladies, I feel like the the most terrible mother in the world. Im glad you kept her from hitting her head! My heart stopped at that moment when I feel floor thud from her falling all over the stairs. Moms, dads, partners, grandparents, birthing partners and more. Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children, Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). That must have been absolutely terrifying for you! Those patients who struck concrete were also more likely to have a skull fracture (not significant). You took the right steps in calling your pediatrician to make sure you didnt need to get her looked at and now you are armed with the knowledge of what to look for next time. Sixteen percent in the minor fall group also had evidence of a torn frenulum, and another 16 percent had old fractures. :) cheer up! Our poor pediatrician had to listen to me crying on the phone and remind me I was a good mom and accidents happen. Hugs xxx soph. in the moment I could've murdered my husband. I heard the thuds first as I approached his bedroom door and then it dawned on me and I bolted for the stairs just in time to see him landing at the bottom face down on his belly. She seems okay but I am still shaking. I'm so glad you both are doing okay! Chadwick (2008) reviewed the literature and databases to approximate the incidence of deaths from short falls in children. oh man how awful! My brother fell down a flight of stairs in a walker when he was a baby because I left the door open when my mom had stepped into the bathroom Thankfully he is fine today. Iv definitely been feeling the quilt and shame all day today also . The fact that she cried when it happened is a good sign normally. I actually did this as a baby as well. When your child does take a minor tumble, try not to overreact. Yes it could have been a lot worse, u r lucky. We always keep the door shut but sometimes it gets left open by accident. I was so mad at myself, then my fil wouldn't leave me alone about it, I felt horrible. You did what your supposed to do and had a baby gate etc. No rhyme or reason, I just happened to slip on the edge of the step. Milton sterilising fluid bleaches clothes!!! my hubby came home about an hour later to a slobbery mess hahaha he was like omgggg?!?! Be sure to let us know if you have any helpful tips. It's a horrid feeling when it happens though. My 13 month old fell down our full flight of stairs a couple of hours ago : ( I had just popped downstairs with her to get cleaning things as she'd been sick on the carpet (before the fall) and then we came back upstairs and I stupidly left the stair gate open then had my head down while I cleaned the sick. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. A brand new 2021 car we only had for 2 weeks. Thankfully I had cinched the straps up tight before the hike and he didnt even act like it bothered him that I fell, but it was so scary! She climbed the basement stairs super fast and then somehow fell down probably about 8 to 10 steps. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. He's been able to go up and down the stairs for awhile on his own but he slipped and I couldn't catch him. So not only did I let my baby fall off the trampoline, but then I blamed my 5yr old and made him feel bad about it. I'm still shaking and feel SO HORRIbLE. Although a bump on the head can look scary, it doesn't necessarily mean that your child is seriously hurt. So far he's completely fine and only cried for about 30 seconds. Baby is okay and you're a good mom! Of course I felt like the worst mother on earth, Surprisingly he didn't even cry! Fractures side effects In a 2013 study of fractures caused by falls down stairs,. I called the pediatrician expecting to be told to go to the ER but they asked me a bunch of questions and said he sounds fine and just gave me some warning signs of things to watch for. If they're upset, calmly comfort them and encourage them to get back on their feet. In this study, no child sustained a significant intracranial injury from a short vertical fall. [Accessed May 2022], Committee on Injury and Poison Prevention. Read the article summaries about falls from walkers and shopping carts. I will never forget the day my husband dropped my son when he was a newborn. The patients had evaluation for inflicted injury (but some information was lacking or omitted, i.e., skeletal surveys). She was discharged that night. Glad your LO is ok. My lo didn't fall down a whole flight of stairs, only a couple. These things happen to us all xx. Put an ice pack on the bump on his head. 2015. Everyone is welcome here! she cried very hard for a minute, I think possibly because I screamed and cried. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. They happen. this happened to me on monday at 530pm and it literally made my heart stop. My son fell off our bed last week, and I felt so bad! My heat stoped and I couldnt breathe I was freaking out.. i rushed down the stairs and my daughter was crying like crazy obviously. heck I still feel bad when I see the scar on her head. Al. If you're uncomfortable with the severity of your child's fall you think they must have gotten hurt or if your child is acting irritable or confused, take them to the doctor or emergency room to get checked out. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Your baby or child may have more rapid or shallow breathing than normal. We're back home now and she's tucked up in bed, thankfully she's fine with just a grazed eye and a bumped head. Head injury in children: How to know if it's minor or serious. I somehow went straight down on my bum and she was upright and fine! I'm feeling like the worst mother in the world and I just keep replaying the scene in my head. Glad your baby is ok! Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. My fiance an I fell pregnant october of 2021 and had our sweet in July, we ended up moving where we are at currently because I was pregnant. I've been trying to keep myself busy to avoid thinking about it but I've caught myself replaying it in my head too often since it happend. Had blood vessels popped in one eye. My oldest fell down the stairs when he was 1. Magic parent strength kicked in and I was able to stop her head from slamming into the wood floor by inches. I have to get an MRI tomorrow Im 14w6d and just fell down a flight of stairs. Take him to A&E to get him checked over. What a shame! It could have been so much worse. This happened to my 8 month old and it replayed in my head for weeks as in slow motion. There weren't any diapers left in his drawer so I set him down in his room with a toy and walked into the next room to get a pack out of the closet not even thinking about he fact that the gate was open. I know accidents happen but this is a way scarier accident than I ever foresaw us having. [Accessed May 2022], Nemours Foundation. Head injuries. 2019. He seemed totally fine after a limited of crying, which i think he was mainly just scared. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Both also noted a greater occurrence of injury in infants who fell while being carried (Joffe reported that 4 / 10 infants who fell while being carried sustained a skull fracture). Take him to A&E honey, if you are worried enough to be asking about it then you should take him to get him checked out. At least you'll never leave the gate open again. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. let down by cafcass and social services.AGAIN!! should i take him to ane? But thats how they learn and explore. I've never felt so bad in all my life! Falls from heights: windows, roofs and balconies. Their breathing may even stop for ten to twenty seconds at a time. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Progressively became stronger and shorter duration, crazy poops too, but after a shower and just relaxing at home things slowed down around 11:30-12pm. It could have been so much worse. I landed on my right knee and twisted to land on my back instead of her. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. I had an accident with my son in the buggy. I'm thought o was going to get social services out. He seems fine today - smiley, not a bruise on him. If they fell on their head and have anything more than a minor bump - or if your child isn't acting normally - call their doctor immediately or take them to the emergency room. And welcome to the mom is human clubwe're all in it and we all have accidents with our kids. Your baby knows you love her. .Cat blocks and prevents a baby from crawling to a fatal fall down some stairs #catsofig #gatto #dogsofinstagram . We haven't got the gates up yet and I feel so awful for not protecting him from this accident, it was a split second of me turning my attention to something else. Combining these series produces 368 children who fell about 2-4 feet and had no or minor injuries (total of three skull fractures; one clavicle fracture). Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. I don't remember going down the stairs but I got to him quickly and scooped him up and he stopped crying within 30 seconds and then went back to playing. Chadwick (1991) looked at 317 children admitted to a trauma center with the mechanism of injury being a fall. They found that 7 / 100 children died from a fall of 1-4 feet, 0 / 65 children died from a fall of 5-9 feet and 1 / 118 children died from a fall of 10-45 feet. The children in these series are older, which limits the applicability to infants. Get immediate medical attention. 2022. Many of these accidents are preventable. Yesterday 07:14. BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Three of the children who died from a fall of 1-4 feet also had associated injuries such as bruising to the head and trunk, old fractures and retinal hemorrhages. [Accessed May 2022], WHO. The first time he was much younger and I felt like the worst mom but he was fine. i am taking each step soooo slowly now. accidents happen she will be okay. My niece fell off her bed at around the same age. If you have a car take him to casualty, if not ring for an ambulance. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. Babies (birth - 12 months) Just 8 months old and climbing the stairs!! He kept him awake for an hour afterwards (this happened at 3am, so DS was tired anyway). Falls accounted for 5.9 percent of pediatric trauma deaths. The authors also found that a child with significant injury was more likely to have been dropped from the arms of a caretaker (p=.003). Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. [Accessed May 2022], UpToDate. It puts things into perspective for sure. It was not your fault! :(. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. You'll want to make sure that your child: Falls can be serious, but the good news is that baby and toddler bones are soft, so they don't fracture as easily as those of an older child. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. I would take him to A and E, they never mind checking little ones over, or your docs if its near? 2 nights ago I had a really bad headache so went for a sleep while DH fed the children. But no it doesn't make u a bad mum! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Also, i fell off the stairs with him in my hands when he was just two months old. Be thankful, but keep an eye on your child. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Your wee man won't remember although it'll haunt you for a little while hun. The majority of injuries were bruises and other soft tissue injuries, which accounted for 35% of injuries. I immediately thought the worst, I could not stop apologizing to her, I swore she was getting black eyes instantly, she seemed extra sleepy after that, I called her pediatrician right away and rushed her in to have her checked out, thankfully she was okay. He did not get bumped big cried really hard out of being startled and my reaction I think. Whenever your baby or toddler takes a serious tumble from a couch, bed, highchair, crib, or countertop, for example you'll need to do a thorough check for injuries. I am a wreck, totally lost confidence in myself. It is therefore important to become familiar with the published literature regarding the severity and type of injuries sustained from children who have fallen from various objects and heights. What Should I Do If My Toddler Hits Her Head? when baby was about 3 months old I fell down the stairs and also braced myself with my forearm to prevent baby from getting hurt. World Health Organization. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. MY 19MONTH OLD JUST FELL DOWN THE STAIRS, Get the days best CHAT sent straight to your inbox, I have read and understood Netmums' Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions. Can a toddler be too tall? we literally just brought him home from the NICU. But instead he's sitting there with his back extended on the stairs writhing in pain holding the baby to his chest. Baby fell off sofa! Having this online community really helps right now. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. No hate please I feel horrific and can't stop crying. But I rang my mum feeling I would never forget what had just happened and I would be feeling sick about it forever, she told me about my brother flinging himself out of his bouncer and onto the floor at 6 months old and slowly you get over it, he's 8 now and would never remember! One limitation of both of these studies is that there is not adequate documentation that intentional trauma was investigated (for example, none of the patients had retinal exams recorded). 9 month old screaming all hours at night!! If you think that your child is bothered by the bump, you can give them the appropriate dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. The Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center provides the following clinical update of literature, organized by types of falls and by mechanism of fall, specifically falls from beds, falls down stairs, falls in walkers, falls from heights and fatal falls. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies. Just 8 months old and climbing the stairs!! My husband keeps telling me to stop because he's fine. She's fine.i felt so fast we never go down there but I had to pay a bill and that's where our computer is. It doesn't make you a bad mum! When swelling occurs on the head, much of it protrudes outward because your child's skull is just under the skin. It's not necessary to keep your child awake after a fall, although if they are awake it'll be easier to monitor whether they're acting okay. I still cant get that visual and sound from my head. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). We literally preach safety all of the time. She is still a mommas girl. HELP!!! . I'm so glad he's okay now, I feel sick to my stomach but it's made me feel better knowing someone else has been through it. Prevention of falls in children. As long as they're okay bumps and grazes heal, hard to stop them exploring! Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. Just make sure you check the gate because that's scary!! [Accessed May 2022], AAP. [Accessed May 2022], AAP. Oh, my LO has fallen off the bed a couple of times. i dont want to waste their time as he seems fine. No offence intended but if your baby has fallen down the stairs where you heard a bump bump x5 and he's not old enough to articulate if and where it hurts, why are you posting on a forum? There was also one clavicular fracture, one radius / ulna fracture and one cervical spine fracture. Baby fell down the stairs. what should i look out for? Combining these series produces 368 children who fell about 2-4 feet and had no or minor injuries (total of three skull fractures; one clavicle fracture). She is 8 months and thriving and hitting her milestones. Ok I had a reallly horrible experience too, I put my LO in a floatie in the swimming pool, not toally in, just sitting on top and I heard the door bell go (well so I thought), I left him for literally seconds as I realised no one was there and then I heard a splash as he went in, I have never moved so fast in all my life, to see him sinking was the most awful thing ever. 2022. but don't beat yourself up over this, as the nurse told me "baby's are resilient" accidents happen, we learn from our mistakes. He was scared more than anything. Joffe (1988) and Chiaviello (1994) examined injuries that result when children fall down stairs. I can imagine how you feel and I think I would feel the same. Don't blame yourself. The scar on her head from slamming into the wood floor by inches on California data! 'Re all in it and we all have accidents with our community members by starting a discussion but... 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